Netflix Subscribers by Political Leanings

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Back in 2017, we polled Netflix subscribers on their political leanings and found that people who described themselves as being “liberal” were more likely to be Netflix subscribers when compared to those who described themselves as “conservatives” or “middle of the road.”

It was an interesting result at the time though we didn’t have a good explanation for it.

Fast forward to March 2021, and this time, we found that Netflix subscribers were more evenly represented politically, with 37% identifying themselves as “liberal,” 37% identifying as “conservative” and 26% identifying as being “middle of the road.”

While we haven’t probed too deeply into this, our guess is that this shift is due to a broader, more politically inclusive content library (that attracts people from across the political spectrum) as well as the fact that a growing subscriber base will ultimately better reflect the population from which its drawn. So as the number of (US-based) Netflix subscribers increases, it should, naturally, better reflect the makeup of the US population.

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Do you Believe the Yeti (Abominable Snowman) Exists? Lots of People Sure Did in the Past…and Still Do!

In 1959, the United States Department of State (DOS), issued a memo regarding the Yeti, also known as the...

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